Optional Pain Science Review
Dr. Rachel Zoffness is a "leading global pain expert and thought-leader revolutionizing the way we understand and treat pain." Zoffness notes, "It's easy to believe that pain lives exclusively in the body. But neuroscience reveals that pain is actually constructed by the brain."
Listen to Dr. Zoffness' recent interview on the Ezra Klein Show here.
Additional pain science info can be found on her website: Resources
Course Handouts & Video
We will refer to this info in class
Offering Calm: Excerpt from To Bless the Space Between Us
Offering Calm: IFS Guided MeditationThis IFS Body Scan can also be downloaded from Toni Herbine-Blank's IFIO website.
Offering Calm: "Feldenkrais Moments"Note: Although this video artfully portrays the calming essence of the Feldenkrais Method, there are a few rapid editing sequences in the video. These "blips" aren't meant to be alarming but rather to show some possible thought processes that are coming up for ATM participants.
Any or all can be completed after Week 2 class
1) IFS Exercise - Going Inside to Identify Parts
2) Feldenkrais ATM - "The Violin" or, "Elbows in Crooks": ATM Lesson demo
A few things to note: This is a demo to show the basic gestural components of this lesson so it is sped up to communicate those gestures quickly. In actual practice, these lessons are nearly always done very slowly.
If you prefer, here's a written outline of the lesson: https://feldynotebook.com/elbows-in-crooks-ay277/ 3) IFS Applied - CALM
3a) Parts Mapping (unblending by externalizing a part)