Optional Pain Science Review
Georgie Oldfield is a UK leader in the field of recovery from chronic symptoms. Her organization, SIRPA (Stress Illness Recovery Practitioners' Association) trains practitioners in pain science and offers recovery programs for patients. An important focus for Oldfield is that "stress and unresolved emotions are known to play a part in the perpetuation, and even the triggering, of chronic pain and other persistent health conditions"
SIRPA/Georgie Oldfield: An Emotional Awareness Exercise
Course Handouts & Video
We will refer to this info in class
Tapping in to Courage: Excerpt from When Women were birds
TAPPING IN TO COURAGE: IFS – Beyond Hopelessness and despairTAPPING IN TO COURAGE: FeldenkraisAwareness Through Movement: Here's a recording of the ATM we explored in class --> Edges of the Feet
Some things to explore after
Week 6 class |
FELDENKRAIS: Bringing awareness to breathing
IFS Practice:
Courage Meditation
IFS Deepening Understanding: